Artwork by Virchtuoso
“The Worry-Free Moment”
By: Virchtuoso

Over the past years,
I couldn’t share my journey through writing even how much I attempted to.
Instead, I could express it through artworks.
So, I flew along with the rhythm…
And again, this rhythm take me back in here… to share to you all.

The Worry-Free Moment is amazing!
when I let my hand communicate it back to me.
Purely and truly….is… the best way of refreshing ever!
Try it yourself!

Creativity keeps revolving by itself.
I am only the messenger of the nature and universe.
“Virchtuoso” is the name by this meaning.
And I am so humble to be part of it.

No matter where it takes me to,
I hope it can helps you in some way.
I hope this energy would pass on…
And finally unlock your door at the end of the day.

Another re-new year
Another re-invent
We’re all re-born every morning.
Be grateful….and make the most out of it 😉

Happy (re)New Year 2020
The 2th

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